On March 12, 1963, nine individuals, concerned about racial discrimination in Morris County housing, met at Drew University. Recognizing the need for citizen involvement to combat discriminatory housing practices in Morris County, they agreed to meet again and plan a course of action, and so "The Morris County Fair Housing Council" was born.
Their mission became to ensure that anyone, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, sex, marital status, familial status, mental or physical handicap and sexual orientation could obtain suitable housing without discrimination.
On October 25, 2001, The Morris County Fair Housing Council became The Fair Housing & Assistance Program of the Urban League. Formerly, the Council operated as a voluntary, non-profit organization, funded by contributions and grants, serving people with housing problems. From its small space in Morristown, its substantial influence reached all corners of the housing market in Morris County. Today, the synergism from this union strengthens not only the mission of the Urban League, but benefits the entire community formerly served by each agency independently. Additional outreach services, and new resources have been acquired, as their service and advocacy components merge and fortify.
Foreclosures how to avoid & assistance
Reverse Mortgages
Landlord/Tenant Conflict Resolution
Advocacy Assistance
Acquiring your First Home
Financial Literacy
Enrichment Activities - New Skills
Since the Urban League of Morris County was first established, housing has been an
important focal area of our programs and services. We have not only advocated the
right of home purchases in areas previously closed to African Americans and other
minorities, but strongly advocated for the right of access to rental housing.
At this critical juncture in the world we are still focused on housing based on the following:
Foreclosures and how to avoid or work within those constraints.
Reverse Mortgages for senior citizens and others who need critical funds for other
Landlord/Tenant Conflict Resolution—how to properly address such issues.
Housing Discrimination & Advocacy—how we can support one when such situations arise.
Acquiring your first home and ensuring that your credit standing and banking relationships
are what they need to be –how one can acquire that first home.
We have formed strong alliances, partnerships, agencies and collaborative programs with governmental, religious and local organizations. In order to afford our clients programs, supports and aid in serving this market. We provide a collective and cohesive set of services and programs to support our clients via our counselors and partners.
During the last seven years we have averaged more than 700 customers/clients per year seeking assistance with one or more of the aforementioned services. During this last year we have seen a lot more foreclosures and reverse mortgage applications and request for support than acquiring new homes.

Contact Us at (973) 539-2121 for further information on any of our Housing Assistance services.