Welcome to the Urban League of Morris County's website. The Urban League of Morris County continues to be a viable service provider to our Morris County Community and surrounding counties of Sussex, Warren and Somerset. We count on the communities, clients we serve, businesses and corporations as our partners and members in meeting the needs of our community through programs in education, housing, youth and job preparation. Your continued help and participation in these types of programs will enable the Urban League of Morris County (ULMC) to serve more individuals and families at a time when our services are needed more than ever.
The ULMC has a long history of weathering difficult times and these are indeed difficult times for all. Our constituents face foreclosure, joblessness, higher college tuitions, and new political upheavels. Despite these challenges we at the ULMC have an ability to maintain the level of service, which our clients expect. For more than seventy years we have taken pride in serving our community's residents with the dignity and respect they deserve.
Please review our sites and look to how you might be able to support us and our clients. Visitors to our sites and our donors are the "Difference Makers", who have helped keep us going in good times and bad. Your continued contributions and support is most appreciated especially because we know that there are more than one hundred Not-For-Profits in this county and you can entrust your dollars to anyone of them. We are delighted that many of you and hopefully more of you believe we are worthy of your gifts and patronage.
To successfully undertake the ULMC mission will require all of us pulling together to get the job done. We are reconstituting our Board of Trustees and asking each member, new and old to do more. But as you know, our Board cannot do the job alone. Our staff cannot do the job alone. To be effective in fulfilling our mission, we need the time, talents, and energy of our entire network of friends and supporters, which includes you. We are forming closer relationships with NAACP, Neighborhood House, SGAP, Platinum Minds and other support organizations, which help us to make your generosity go farther.
We take this opportunity to thank our dedicated staff, the many volunteers, our friends in the community and the Board of Trustees for helping us maintain a consistently high level of service during these difficult times.
The Urban League of Morris County appreciates all of you as partners as we move forward in meeting our goals. We thank you and hope that with your help, they will be achieved.
George W. Martin, Chairman
Dr. Edward J. Yaw, Vice Chairman
Paul Macchia, Esq, Vice Chairman
Chairman's and Vice Chairmen's Message

Dr. Edward Yaw
Vice Chairman
Paul Macchia, Esq
Vice Chairman
George Martin